API Reference

Our API is currently structured around the following primitives. Understanding the relationships between these primitives will be helpful as you onboard to the API.

ProvidersProviders are the highest-level API primitive. A Provider represents either a cloud infrastructure provider or a cloud service provider. Some examples of Providers include AWS, GCP, and Azure.

Providers offer many Services.
ServicesServices are what Providers offer to their customers. A Service is always tied to a Provider. Some examples of Services are EC2 or S3 with a Provider of AWS.

A Service has one or more Products offered.
ProductsProducts are what Services ultimately price on. For example, the Products for a Provider of AWS and a Service of EC2 would be the individual available EC2 instance types, such as m5d.16xlarge or c5.xlarge.

A Product has one or more Prices.
PricesA Product has one or more Prices available to it. For example, with EC2 instance types, a single instance type may have potential prices, including an On-Demand price, a Spot price, or a Reserved Instance price.